Hello, and welcome! My name is Daniel.
I am married to a super awesome, amazing, incredible, beautiful, kind, ferociously loyal and protective, and inimitable woman. Her name is Emma. We met at Brigham Young University Idaho and married in 2012. In that time we have moved 7 times, lived in 3 states, had 4 children, made a drastic career change, and shared our story. She has been my rock through all of it. We are madly in love. We currently live in Utah where I work as a librarian.
We have 4 children. They are magical and utterly unpredictable. I love them.
We are active members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You probably already guessed that by the squeaky clean pictures and the fact that we graduated from BYU-Idaho and live in Utah.
I bet you didn't guess that we are a Mixed Orientation Marriage (MOM). Yep. I'm an openly gay man who is an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and happily married to a woman.
And that's why this blog exists. To share my story, faith, opinions, daily life, and show that people like me really exist. That we are here. That we belong. We who are LGBTQ+ have a place in the Church. We have a role to play. We have an important work to do in the Kingdom of God that only we can accomplish. I want to add my voice to the many that have and are advocating to this end.
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions on this blog are strictly my own. They are not doctrine, policies, or stances of the Church nor are they a general representation of the LGBTQ+ community within the Church. Also, it is not my intention to tell others how they should live nor it is my intention to be looked at as the ideal in what choices an LGBTQ+ Church member should make or how they should live.
Thank you for sharing!